Success Stories

I used to go to the gym pre-covid but only did in my opinion, the easier, less challenging stuff, power walking on the treadmill or on the cross trainer, but I never mixed it up anymore than that. Since lockdown I have walked every day but this wasn’t testing my fitness level or doing anything to increase it.

I didn’t think I would complete the online course. I thought it would be too hard.   I thought I’d probably give up after 1 month because of the commitment of the weekly live lesson (when I could be sat on the sofa instead). Once I started I did get a buzz from the session, but even then at the beginning I thought can’t I do this.  

Yvonne has pushed me to achieve results from losing inches from around my body to feeling a massive sense of achievement. Yvonne is supportive, motivating, offers advice and helps me to better myself. 

My clothes fit better, I feel better and I am loving that I am rising to a challenge that pushes me every time.


I had tried everything to help me get fit and lose weight and nothing worked until I stumbled upon Yvonne’s online coaching Program and for me it was a game changer. Yvonne is a warm encouraging person and you immediately feel comfortable. She finds out what you want to achieve then sets about helping you to do just that.


Before I started working with Yvonne I was doing lots of walking but no real proper exercise. I knew I needed to tone up and feel better about myself and my body

I always liked the way Yvonne conducted her classes, she is firm but we have fun as well. I had done some of her Zumba Classes in the past and enjoyed those. So contact Yvonne was ‘a no brainer’.

From September 2020 I signed up for my first course with Yvonne. It has definitely made me realise how important fitness is at any age. I am 52 years old and I can honestly say I have not been this ‘fit’ since I was in my early 20’s and I love it! So when the first course was up, I signed up for another. I look forward to exercising and I am loving the results, the way I look and feel. 

Wow for me, there are so many good results I have noticed since starting this. I am toned now, my stomach is flatter.  For me making that initial contact with Yvonne and talking over with her what I wanted to do was definitely the best thing I  could have done regarding my fitness. I am looking forward to what I can do next with Yvonne.  Sharon  

I have been slowly piling on the pounds over a period of a couple of years.

When I saw Yvonne’s post on Facebook it was like she was talking to me personally.

I was scared of going to classes because I always felt self-conscious, and some of them in the past had been a bit cliquey and not very welcoming. Gyms are not my thing, and online classes are too easy to abandon after 10 minutes if it’s too hard.

I got up my courage and signed up, Yvonne called and I immediately felt at ease.

The classes are great, loads of fun, and I have progressed so much from when I started.  Yvonne is so encouraging and non-judgemental, the weekly calls are great, and she always has time to answer questions/give help and advice anytime.

I feel completely different now, I love exercising, Am certainly fitter as well.

I would really recommend Yvonne to anyone looking to change the way they feel about food and exercise, it’s really worked for me.  Christine